What is the difference between saddle stitch and perfect binding?

When to Use Saddle-Stitch Binding

Saddle stitching is a method of binding numerous pages together along the fold with 2 or 3 staples. The “spine” refers to the fold on a saddle-stitch magazine. Saddle stitching is used to bind booklets printed with 8 or more pages. The booklet must have page counts that are multiples of 4 for saddle stitching to function.

Saddle stitching is recommended for publications with fewer than 68 pages. It is a better alternative for magazines that are printed frequently and is also more affordable. Because to a phenomenon known as page “creep,” the maximum number of pages that can be included in a saddle-stitch booklet is limited. Page creep is a trait of booklet binding where the inner pages protrude further than the sheets closer to the outer due to the paper thickness. The width of the innermost sheet will be the narrowest in the book when the edges of the booklet are stitched, with each subsequent sheet being wider than the one before it (moving from the interior of the book to the outside)


When to Use Perfect-Bound Binding

Unlike magazines that use saddle-stitch binding, perfect bound books typically have a higher page count. Instead of using staples, perfect binding requires the use of glue to bind books and magazines. Perfect binding is recommended by One Heart Print for any publication with more than 68 pages. Books that are perfect-bound have a softcover and a flat spine. Perfect-bound books can include text on the spine for simple identification and to make the book stand out on a bookshelf. The saddle-stitch method cannot accommodate more pages.

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